OnScene Bondi commenced operations in November 2009..
Formerly known as "FreeNews", OnScene Bondi changed names in 2019 focusing on news coverage across Sydney's East.
Based in Bondi, NSW, Australia we report on news incidents across the eastern suburbs and beaches.
We focus on breaking news events and how our emergency services respond to and support our community.
Our organisation supports independent public news submissions and helps with licensing and content protection for our contributors.
If you see or hear about a breaking news incident, please help our team by keeping us informed.
Use the NEWS TIPS link to send tips and news content.
We work to help protect and feature photo and video content you may capture, but ask that you prioritise your safety and alert emergency services prior to contacting us.
Content published by OnScene Bondi is available for media and commercial licensing.
OnScene Bondi is owned and supported by News Media Network.
ABN: 516283-70228